Sunday, June 30, 2013

And It Begins!

Apologies, the first part of this was supposed to go up yesterday but I didn't have wifi so bear with me. 

It's funny what comes to mind when I think about how excited I am for this to all start.  I’m not just excited to be here because it is legal for me to drink (although that is a huge selling point. Sorry Mom and Dad. Viewers at home- don't worry I waited until I left home to send this) but because child Erin loved it there. I say child Erin because it truly was another person. I mean I had bangs.  I was so young the last time I was there that all I remember is going to a random Hindi wedding (no idea if I even knew the people getting married), and getting lost in Harrods looking for the Hello Kitty section.  But by senior year of high school, I had been to London twice, and have yet to return. Kidding it really was second grade, I clearly wouldn't have forgotten who got married as a responsible 18 year-old. Bangs and Hello Kitty though, I'll give to you. However, I can tell you that going to England in second grade topped my Disney World trip the same year. Clearly it is a big deal. 

This morning I FINALLY reached the PKP program.  A miserable red-eye flight where I barely slept followed by a 2.5 hour wait for a bus, then a 3 hour bus ride and I am here. 

So far, the Yale kids have flocked to each other.  It began at the airport where I turned around on the way to the bus terminal and realized that there was a kid in a complete Yale sweats outfit.  Clearly a friend of mine.  We made our first non-Yale friend minutes later as we discussed how we were tempted to ask every person we saw on their own around our age if they were going to Cambridge.  Obviously the person behind us heard the word "Cambridge" and asked "Are you guys going to PKP? I think everyone I see is going there."  At the bus terminal we ran into another boy from Yale.  And a girl from Yale on the bus.

Tomorrow is a scavenger hunt which I am OBVIOUSLY pumped for.  I knew the two girls across from me at dinner were not like me when they shyly discussed how they didn't want to do it and wanted to hide in their rooms.  On the other hand, I asked if anyone had eyeblack.

King's College Chapel

Punting on the River Cam. My dorm is the building on the left.

My dorm, Bodley's Court.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Pre-My Parents Shipping Me Off Without Knowing If I Will Return

Hola.  I figured I would write my first blog post the night before my departure... definitely not because my parents just left for a wedding and brother and sister don't live at home.  Definitely not it.  Although I am DEFINITELY feeling the family love.  Lies we had an amazing dinner last night.  Not at all dampened by my brother repeatedly expressing his confusion (and hint of bitterness) about us celebrating the fact that I am "going on a two-month vacation." 

So I am writing this blog for two reasons- first, I am taking a travel writing course so figured this fits right in.  Second, combining writing, photography, and travel is actually a dream of mine. 
Downsides- anyone who reads this will realize what a freak I am.  In public I tone it down, because believe it or not I am fairly attention shy, but when writing this, I'm pretty good at ignoring the fact that people will read it.  HELLO zero filter.  So everyone reading this is here to track my progress as I search for the reason my sister said "you should not be left unsupervised on a blog." I really can't wait to find out why.  I am also blissfully aware that since i will be so out of touch, I won't realize how many friends I have lost until I return!  Yay for ignorance!!!

Also, let's be real, I'm writing this because I don't want to pack.