Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Scotland Trip: Harry Potter and Hikes

Ah so much to get into this post and I have no idea where to start! This weekend, the program went to Scotland for 4 days and wifi was essentially unavailable.
Let’s start with some entertaining stories.  On the coach buses, the bathroom is in the center of the bus, built into the side, with stairs going down.  So where seats should be there are little stairs.  Getting on the bus the first morning, I was watching this girl and all of a sudden she disappeared and there was a crash.  She fell.  This same girl also played a claw game at a rest stop while the rest of us got food or went to the bathroom.  And she lost her phone.  Struggles.
Second entertaining story- somehow a boy in the program lost all of his suitcases. He was late to his bus and a PA (program assistant) went to go find him and started packing his stuff because he was missing and it looked like he hadn’t returned from formal hall the night before.  The PA packed his stuff in grocery bags.  Turns out the kid was at breakfast.  They pushed him to a later bus and the PA returned to his bus saying, “Homeless boy isn’t coming.”  How on earth someone loses their suitcases after arriving to Cambridge, but nothing else, is beyond me.
All right so back to true Scottish things.  After essentially an all-day bus ride we reached Edinburgh. First night was fun, not too much to report.  Second day though, we started the day hiking Arthur’s seat, this mountain(ish) that overlooks Edinburgh.  Pretty cool.  Except the peak was incredibly windy, so at one point 3 of us were literally blown backwards and had to regain our balance after stumbling over.  A bird was flying up there and literally had no control.  We watched as it was whipped around with the wind. 

From the hike, we walked down to Central Edinburgh, got lunch, and went to the Elephant House.  The Elephant House is where JK Rowling wrote much of the first Harry Potter book.  The place is practically a shrine to her.  Actually the bathrooms are legitimately.  People signed thank you all over as well as their favorite quotes.  Obviously some friends and I wrote in it.  The funniest were over the toilets of both bathrooms.  In the women’s it said “This way to the Ministry” with an arrow pointing down, and the boys said the men’s said “Tom Riddle did a piddle.”  Tons more happened after that, but typical tourist stuff.

Next day, the full day hike I signed up for.  Dunkeld Hike, which was beautiful and so peaceful.  It was less of a hike and more of a walk.  Although as one of my friends said, “I want this hike to be less of walk and more of an amble.”  We ate at a Loch, where I was one of four people to wade in the water.  It was pretty nice.  But then, the saddest thing-  A poor sheep got out of his pen and couldn’t get back in.  And he was terrified of us, but he kept running around the fence and trying to jam his body into the gate.

Then that night, we had a céidihl (pronounced KAY-LAY), which is a Scottish dance thing.  Basically they told you to get in pairs, 3s, or 4s and yelled out what to do.  It was basically a lot of “forward 2-3-4, clap, clap, back 2-3-4, and spin, and spin, and polka!!”  So that was interesting.  From there though, some friends from my hike brought me and a few other people to Greyfriars Kirk, a graveyard by the Elephant House.  Arriving after midnight, we saw the grave of “Tom Riddell, esq.”, “Moodie”, and “McGonagall”.  The supposed story with McGonagall was that he was a poet, but was pretty bad.  So after his death people would “transform” his work. 

After the graveyard, I slept 2 hours and woke up to hike Arthur’s Seat again.  I wasn’t too pleased when the kid leading my group made me scale a mountain at one point, but I’m trying to forget about that.  There were literally 100 people there for the 4:30 sunrise.  Of course it was cloudy so all you saw was a sliver of red.  But it was entertaining.  Edinburgh University had it’s grad ball the night before, and grads came still in dresses and kilts, and still quite drunk.  So that was a scene.

Ah so much! And I didn’t even include the drunk altercation with one man and his girlfriend had with a bouncer, and then the police on our way to the cemetery!