Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Parliament, Crêpes, and Macbeth

Long one here! Sorry!! 

One of the many great things my program does is that it plans London trips throughout the weekends for us to choose 1 to go on. So I went this weekend, and everything except food and the ticket fee for a tour of Parliament was provided for. The bus there and back, the ticket itself, and a ticket to Macbeth at the Globe were provided. 
So I started at Parliament, which was unbelievable.  Absolutely beautiful.  We started at the entrance the Queen goes in when she goes for the Opening Day of Parliament each year and followed the path she takes into the House of the Lords.  The rooms were just insanely decorated in the House of the Lords, but the House of the Commons was built at a different time so was much less so. 

From there, my friends and I walked to Buckingham Palace and past Hyde Park, through the Wellington Arc.  Then we walked by Harrods to go to a Créperie that my friend remembered from 5 years ago. It was amazing. Worth the walk.  We all got a Savoury Crépe and a Sweet Crépe.  My second crépe was the best thing ever.  Berries and dark chocolate with cream on top.  Amazing.  Such happiness. 

After we returned to Harrods and yay! I didn’t get lost!  Growing up my Dad would go to London all the time and bring me back bears from Harrods so obviously I went to the bear section.  One of the ones I had is still being made.  Made me happy.  From there we walked to the Thames and along it to get us to the Globe.  We walked across the Millenium Bridge since it’s the one in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince that collapses.  Thankfully it did not collapse.  And then we were at the Globe!  Considering our lunch was the only time we sat all day, the whole standing the entire play thing was not appreciated.  All of us said the only thing we could think about was how much longer we would have to be standing.  But the show was amazing.  Lady Macbeth was out of her mind, as she should be, and basically stole the show.  It was pretty cool to have the actors enter from all around us, as they entered doors at ground level in the back and walked up front to the stage.  And I was actually shocked how much of Macbeth I remembered from high school.  Brought back fond memories of my insane AP Lit teacher who had us stretch before reading so that we would wake up and get oxygen to our brains.  Athletes would lead.  She was insane.

The next big thing was our second Formal Hall Tuesday night, which was again so much fun.  We made a scene obviously when we found out the Royal Baby was born and all cheered, resulting in the entire dining hall turning to stare at us.  Whoops.  Classic though, another table started cheering 15 minutes later for the same exact reason.  Late.
            It’s also so bizarre how normal it is to drink with professors here.  The cocktail hour and the dinner is with the professors, and my Spooks and Spies professors walked over to the Kings bar with us.  Just feels weird.

So that’s that.  And as of Friday I am halfway done! Crazy!